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Workload Identity API & Workload Attestation

The Workload Identity API service (workload-identity-api) is a configurable tbot service that allows workloads to request JWT and X509 workload identity credentials on-the-fly.

It's a more secure alternative to writing credentials to disk and supports performing a process known as workload attestation to determine attributes of the workload before issuing credentials.

The Workload Identity API is compatible with two standards:

In addition to issuing credentials to workloads, the Workload Identity API can also provide the trust bundle necessary for workloads to validate the credentials of other workloads.


# type specifies the type of the service. For the Workload Identity API service,
# this will always be `workload-identity-api`.
type: workload-identity-api
# listen specifies the address that the service should listen on.
# Two types of listener are supported:
# - TCP: `tcp://<address>:<port>`
# - Unix socket: `unix:///<path>`
listen: unix:///opt/machine-id/workload.sock
# attestors allows Workload Attestation to be configured for this Workload
# API.
  # docker is configuration for the Docker Workload Attestor. See the Docker
  # section below for more information.
    # enabled specifies whether the workload's identity should be attested with
    # information about its Docker container. If unspecified, this defaults to
    # false.
    enabled: true
    # addr is the address at which the Docker Engine daemon can be reached. It
    # must be in the form `unix://path/to/socket`, as connecting via TCP is not
    # currently supported. If unspecified, this defaults to the standard socket
    # location for "rootful" Docker installations: `unix:///var/run/docker.sock`.
    addr: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
  # kubernetes is configuration for the Kubernetes Workload Attestor. See
  # the Kubernetes Workload Attestor section for more information.
    # enabled specifies whether the Kubernetes Workload Attestor should be
    # enabled. If unspecified, this defaults to false.
    enabled: true
    # kubelet holds configuration relevant to the Kubernetes Workload Attestors
    # interaction with the Kubelet API.
      # read_only_port is the port on which the Kubelet API is exposed for
      # read-only operations. Since Kubernetes 1.16, the read-only port is
      # typically disabled by default and secure_port should be used instead.
      read_only_port: 10255
      # secure_port is the port on which the attestor should connect to the
      # Kubelet secure API. If unspecified, this defaults to `10250`. This is
      # mutually exclusive with ReadOnlyPort.
      secure_port: 10250
      # token_path is the path to the token file that the Kubelet API client
      # should use to authenticate with the Kubelet API. If unspecified, this
      # defaults to `/var/run/secrets/`.
      token_path: "/var/run/secrets/"
      # ca_path is the path to the CA file that the Kubelet API client should
      # use to validate the Kubelet API server's certificate. If unspecified,
      # this defaults to `/var/run/secrets/`.
      ca_path: "/var/run/secrets/"
      # skip_verify is used to disable verification of the Kubelet API server's
      # certificate. If unspecified, this defaults to false.
      # If specified, the value specified in ca_path is ignored.
      # This is useful in cases where the Kubelet API server has not been issued
      # with a certificate signed by the Kubernetes cluster's CA. This is fairly
      # common with a number of Kubernetes distributions.
      skip_verify: true
      # anonymous is used to disable authentication with the Kubelet API. If
      # unspecified, this defaults to false. If set, the token_path field is
      # ignored.
      anonymous: false
  # podman is configuration for the Podman Workload Attestor. See the Podman
  # section below for more information.
    # enabled specifies whether the workload's identity should be attested with
    # information about its Podman container and pod. If unspecified, this
    # defaults to false.
    enabled: true
    # addr is the address at which the Podman API Service can be reached. It
    # must be in the form `unix://path/to/socket`, as connecting via TCP is not
    # supported. This field is required and there is no default value. See the
    # Podman section below for more information.
    addr: unix:///run/podman/podman.sock
# Selector is used to control which WorkloadIdentity resource will be used to
# issue the workload identity credential. The selector can either be the name of
# a specific WorkloadIdentity resource or a label selector that can match
# multiple WorkloadIdentity resources.
# The selector must be set to either a name or labels, but not both.
  # Name is used to select a specific WorkloadIdentity resource by its name.
  name: foo
  # Labels is used to select multiple WorkloadIdentity resources by their labels.
    app: [foo, bar]


The Workload Identity API implements the SPIFFE Workload API, a standardized API for workloads to request workload identity credentials and trust bundles.

Via this API, both JWT and X509 workload identity credentials can be issued.

Workload Attestation

Workload Attestation is the process completed by tbot to assert the identity of a workload that has connected to the Workload API and requested credentials.

Workload Attestors are the individual components that perform this attestation. They use the process ID of the workload to gather information about the workload from platform-specific APIs. For example, the Kubernetes Workload Attestor queries the local Kubelet API to determine which Kubernetes pod the process belongs to.

The result of this attestation process is known as attestation metadata. This attestation metadata can be included in the rules or templates you configure as part of a WorkloadIdentity resource.


The Unix Workload Attestor is the most basic attestor and allows you to restrict the issuance of workload identities to specific Unix processes based on a range of criteria.

Support for non-standard procfs mounting

To resolve information about a process from the PID, the Unix Workload Attestor reads information from the procfs filesystem. By default, it expects procfs to be mounted at /proc.

If procfs is mounted at a different location, you must configure the Unix Workload Attestor to read from that alternative location by setting the HOST_PROC environment variable.

This is a sensitive configuration option, and you should ensure that it is set correctly or not set at all. If misconfigured, an attacker could provide falsified information about processes, and this could lead to the issuance of SVIDs to unauthorized workloads.


The Kubernetes Workload Attestor allows you to restrict the issuance of workload identities to specific Kubernetes workloads based on a range of criteria.

It works by first determining the pod ID for a given process ID and then by querying the local kubelet API for details about that pod.

Deployment Guidance

To use Kubernetes Workload Attestation, tbot must be deployed as a daemon set. This is because the unix domain socket can only be accessed by pods on the same node as the agent. Additionally, the daemon set must have the hostPID property set to true to allow the agent to access information about processes within other containers.

The daemon set must also have a service account assigned that allows it to query the Kubelet API. This is an example role with the required RBAC:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: tbot
  - resources: ["pods","nodes","nodes/proxy"]
    apiGroups: [""]
    verbs: ["get"]

Mapping the Workload API Unix domain socket into the containers of workloads can be done in two ways:

  • Directly configuring a hostPath volume for the tbot daemonset and workloads which will need to connect to it.
  • Using spiffe-csi-driver.

Example manifests for required Kubernetes resources:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: tbot
  - resources: ["pods","nodes","nodes/proxy"]
    apiGroups: [""]
    verbs: ["get"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: tbot
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: tbot
    namespace: default
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: tbot
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: tbot
  namespace: default
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: tbot-config
  namespace: default
  tbot.yaml: |
    version: v2
      join_method: kubernetes
      # replace with the name of a join token you have created.
      token: example-token
      type: memory
    # ensure this is configured to the address of your Teleport Proxy Service.
      - type: workload-identity-api
        listen: unix:///run/tbot/sockets/workload.sock
            enabled: true
              # skip verification of the Kubelet API certificate as this is not
              # usually issued by the cluster CA.
              skip_verify: true
          name: example-workload-identity
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: tbot
        app: tbot
        app: tbot
        runAsUser: 0
        runAsGroup: 0
      hostPID: true
        - name: tbot
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            privileged: true
            - start
            - -c
            - /config/tbot.yaml
            - --log-format
            - json
            - mountPath: /config
              name: config
            - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
              name: join-sa-token
            - name: tbot-sockets
              mountPath: /run/tbot/sockets
              readOnly: false
            - name: TELEPORT_NODE_NAME
                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
            - name: KUBERNETES_TOKEN_PATH
              value: /var/run/secrets/tokens/join-sa-token
      serviceAccountName: tbot
        - name: tbot-sockets
            path: /run/tbot/sockets
            type: DirectoryOrCreate
        - name: config
            name: tbot-config
        - name: join-sa-token
              - serviceAccountToken:
                  path: join-sa-token
                  # 600 seconds is the minimum that Kubernetes supports. We
                  # recommend this value is used.
                  expirationSeconds: 600
                  # `` must be replaced with the name of
                  # your Teleport cluster.


The Docker Workload Attestor allows you to restrict the issuance of workload identities to specific Docker containers based on a range of criteria.

It works by first determining the container for a given process and then by querying the Docker Engine API for details about it.

Granting Access to the Docker Engine API

By default, tbot will attempt to connect to the Docker daemon via a Unix domain socket located at /var/run/docker.sock as this is the standard location for "rootful" Docker deployments.

Unless tbot is also running as root, you'll need to add its user to the docker group to grant it permission to access this socket:

sudo usermod -a -G docker $TBOT_USER

Rootless Docker

When running Docker in "rootless" mode the daemon's socket will be located at $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/docker.sock by default, making it inaccessible to other non-root users.

If you do not want to run tbot as the same user as Docker or as root, you can override this by creating a configuration file under ~/.config/docker with the following contents:

  "hosts": ["unix://path/to/socket"]


The Podman Workload Attestor allows you to restrict the issuance of workload identities to specific Podman containers and pods based on a range of criteria.

It works by first determining the container and pod for a given process and then by querying the Podman API Service for details about them.

Podman differs from Docker in that it doesn't use a long-running daemon process. Instead, the API service is typically started on demand using socket activation.

Granting tbot access to the Podman API requires different steps depending on whether you're running "rootfully" or "rootlessly" - it is for this reason we do not provide a default value for the attr config option.

Rootful Podman

If you're running Podman as root, enable the API service by running:

sudo systemctl enable --now podman.socket

At this point, the service can be reached at /run/podman/podman.sock but only by root. If you do not want to run tbot as root, you can override the default systemd unit to make the socket owned by a group your tbot user belongs to:

sudo groupadd podman-root
sudo usermod -a -G podman-root $TBOT_USER
sudo systemctl edit podman.socket

In the override file add:


Reload the systemd daemon and restart the socket unit:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart podman.socket

Rootless Podman

If you're running Podman as a non-root user, enable and start the API service by running:

sudo loginctl enable-linger $PODMAN_USER
systemctl --user enable --now podman.socket

The service can now be reached at $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock, but only by your chosen podman user or root. If you do not want to run tbot as the same user or as root, you can override the default systemd unit to move the socket out of $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and add your tbot user to the podman user's group:

sudo usermod -a -G $PODMAN_USER_GROUP $TBOT_USER
systemctl --user edit podman.socket

In the override file add:

ListenStream=/path/to/socket # Example: /srv/podman.$PODMAN_USER/podman.sock

Reload the systemd daemon and restart the socket unit:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user restart podman.socket

Running tbot in a Podman Container

In order for tbot running inside a container to attest workloads in other containers, it must have access to the host's PID namespace. Also, if you are using group permissions to grant tbot access to the Podman socket (see the above examples) you must set the run.oci.keep_original_groups annotation.

podman run \ --pid=host \ --annotation run.oci.keep_original_groups=1 \ --volume /path/to/socket:/path/to/socket \ --volume /path/to/config:/path/to/config \ \ start -c /path/to/config

Envoy SDS

The workload-identity-api service endpoint also implements the Envoy SDS API. This allows it to act as a source of certificates and certificate authorities for the Envoy proxy.

As a forward proxy, Envoy can be used to attach an X.509 SVID to an outgoing connection from a workload that is not SPIFFE-enabled.

As a reverse proxy, Envoy can be used to terminate mTLS connections from SPIFFE-enabled clients. Envoy can validate that the client has presented a valid X.509 SVID and perform enforcement of authorization policies based on the SPIFFE ID contained within the SVID.

When acting as a reverse proxy for certain protocols, Envoy can be configured to attach a header indicating the identity of the client to a request before forwarding it to the service. This can then be used by the service to make authorization decisions based on the client's identity.

When configuring Envoy to use the SDS API exposed by the workload-identity-api service, three additional special names can be used to aid configuration:

  • default: tbot will return the default SVID for the workload.
  • ROOTCA: tbot will return the trust bundle for the trust domain that the workload is a member of.
  • ALL: tbot will return the trust bundle for the trust domain that the workload is a member of, as well as the trust bundles of any trust domain that the trust domain is federated with.

The following is an example Envoy configuration that sources a certificate and trust bundle from the workload-identity-api service listening on unix:///opt/machine-id/workload.sock. It requires that a connecting client presents a valid SPIFFE SVID and forwards this information to the backend service in the x-forwarded-client-cert header.

  id: "my-envoy-proxy"
  cluster: "my-cluster"
    - name: test_listener
      enable_reuse_port: false
          port_value: 8080
        - filters:
            - name:
                  idle_timeout: 1s
                forward_client_cert_details: sanitize_set
                  uri: true
                stat_prefix: ingress_http
                  name: local_route
                    - name: my_service
                      domains: ["*"]
                        - match:
                            prefix: "/"
                            cluster: my_service
                  - name: envoy.filters.http.router
            name: envoy.transport_sockets.tls
                # configure the certificate that the reverse proxy should present.
                  # `name` can be replaced with the desired SPIFFE ID if  multiple
                  # SVIDs are available.
                  - name: "default"
                      resource_api_version: V3
                        api_type: GRPC
                        transport_api_version: V3
                            cluster_name: tbot_agent
                # combined validation context "melds" two validation contexts
                # together. This is handy for extending the validation context
                # from the SDS source.
                    # You can use match_typed_subject_alt_names to configure
                    # rules that only allow connections from specific SPIFFE IDs.
                    match_typed_subject_alt_names: []
                    name: "ALL" # This can also be replaced with the trust domain name
                      resource_api_version: V3
                        api_type: GRPC
                        transport_api_version: V3
                            cluster_name: tbot_agent
    # my_service is the example service that Envoy will forward traffic to.
    - name: my_service
      type: strict_dns
        cluster_name: my_service
          - lb_endpoints:
              - endpoint:
                      port_value: 8090
    - name: tbot_agent
      http2_protocol_options: {}
        cluster_name: tbot_agent
          - lb_endpoints:
              - endpoint:
                      # Configure the path to the socket that `tbot` is
                      # listening on.
                      path: /opt/machine-id/workload.sock